Apr 26, Sunday, Shangri-La

Today dawned cold, dreary and a bit rainy.  We drove about a half hour out of town to the Pu Da Cuo National Park.  Once at the park we transferred to a park bus to drive into the park.  We got off at Shudu Lake.  The lake itself looked rather grey and dreary due to the cloud cover.  It rained only lightly for part of the time. 

We walked the entire length of the boardwalk which followed much of the lake.  

Along the way we say a lot of cow/yak hybrids that are very common in the area.  

We then transferred to a bus that took us higher up into the mountains and through some beautiful valleys.  

The bus ride ended at Lake Bita.  Unfortunately, the walk to the other end of the lake was 5 kilometers so we decided not to take the walk in the cold and rain (been fighting colds).  We did walk a little ways along the trail to take a few pictures.  

We didn’t get back to Shangri-La until 3:00 so by the time we were done with lunch it was almost 4:00.  We decided to skip the drive to another village and went back to the hotel.  

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